Use potato slices to help minimize the appearance of grey hairs

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potato hacks

Prepare these items

  • 8-10 peeled potato skins
  • Frying pan
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • Rosewater
  • Strainer or rag
  • Large bowl
  • Bottle for spraying

Follow these steps

  • Heat up the frying pan on the stove using medium heat.
  • Add your water and bring it to a boil. Once warm enough, add the potato skins and bring to a simmer, closing with a lid.
  • Keep the potato skins simmering for half an hour.
  • Turn the heat off but keep the skins in the water for an extra 20 minutes.
  • Use your choice of strainer to reduce the water in the bowl. Do the same by squeezing the juice out of each of the potato skins.
  • Finish off by adding a small drop of rosewater. Once the mixture has cooled down, you can add it to your spray bottle.

Use the solution

  • Start off by washing your hair and scalp with shampoo, but do not use conditioner.
  • Wait for your hair to dry without any added heat and then brush through any knots in your hair.
  • Separate your hair into small sections. The more sections, the better.
  • Get your mixture ready by shaking it in the bottle and then spraying one section of your hair, covering it well up into the scalp. Continue to do this until the whole area is covered.

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